Honorable mention in the 23 Feb 1929 The Mirror Free Recipe Contest (reference)
4 fine apples
1lb (450g) crushed pineapple
1 tablespoon of butter
1 tablespoon brown sugar
2 tablespoons hot water
½ pint (300ml) whipping cream
Core the apples and place in baking dish,
Strain the juice off the crushed pineapple and keep
Mix half the crushed pineapple with the butter and sugar and use it to fill the apples
Combine the hot water with the strained juice and pour over the apples.
Bake slowly until apple is cooked
Whip cream and stir in the rest of the pineapple and serve with baked apples
Prize awarded to Mrs.Mander, 134 Glyde-street, East Fremantle