Won second prize in the Sunday Times Recipe Contest (reference)
½ lb (225 g) butter
4 eggs
6 oz (190 g) currants
1 ½ lb (675 g) castor sugar
6 oz (190 g) stoned, chopped raisins
10 oz (285 g) ground almonds
1 teaspoon mixed spice
16 oz (450 g) flour
essence of bitter almond
2 oz (60 g) shredded peel
Prepare almond icing by mixing ½ lb (225 g) of ground almonds with 10 oz (285 g) castor sugar, essence of bitter almond and 1 egg yolk to make a pate
Cream together butter and ½ lb (25 g) of castor sugar, add eggs and beat for 10 minutes
Stir in raisins, currants, shredded peel, mixed spice, flour and rest of ground almonds
Put half the fruit mixture in a tin lined with buttered paper then a layer of almond icing ½ inch (1 ¼ cms) thick and then the rest of the fruit mixture.
Bake in a moderate oven for nearly 2 hours.
When cold, cover with the rest of the almond icing, smoothing it over with a knife.
Submitted by Miss F. Webb, 107 Duke-street, East Fremantle