109 Petra Street

109 Petra Street (map)


Interwar Bungalow Federation Influences

No 109 Petra Street is a single storey house constructed in brick and rendered brick with a hipped and gable corrugated iron roof. It is a fine expression of the Inter-War Bungalow style. The front elevation is asymmetrically planned with a thrust gable bay and a full width skillion roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on paired timber posts with post brackets. A wrought iron balustrade spans between the posts. The verandah roof extends over the gable bay. There is central door and hopper light flanked by a sidelight and sets of casement windows. The lower walls are face brick and the upper walls are rendered. The roofscape features rendered chimneys. 


1943 The engagement is announced between Edna Mary, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Thomson, 4 Amherst-street, East Fremantle, and Victor Robert (AIF), only son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Trenberth, 109 Petra-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1943 Death on November 27, at her residence, Palatus, 109 Petra street, East Fremantle, after a long illness, Bessie Trenberth, dearly beloved wife of Charles Trenberth and loving mother of Victor (AIF). Requiescat in pace. (reference)

1950 5 Rooms and Vestibule Gas and wood stoves. Sewered. Nicely laid out gardens. Handy to transport and school. High position. Situated 109 Petra Street, East Fremantle. Agents will be in attendance to receive offers on Friday 10th March between 1.30 and 4.30 p.m. (reference)

1950 Notice is hereby given that, Pursuant to the direction of the Commissioner of Titles in this behalf. It is intended on the 29th day of May next to issue in the name of Elsie Elizabeth Mary Merritt of 109 Petra-street East Fremantle. Married Woman, a new Certificate of Title to the land described below... (reference)


1941 - 1947: Trenberth, Charles

1948: Gunton, George

Petra 109.jpg


109 George Street


Federation Cottage Orné
No. 109 George Street is one of a seven attached residences. They are constructed in brick and rendered masonry designed in a rich rendering of the Federation Cottage Orné style. The houses are constructed in limestone and tuck pointed brick. They are divided by parapet walls and have gable roofs. The gables have elaborately decorative barges with applied oriel style niches and sculptures. The roofscape features tall chimneys with chimney caps. 


AIF 1916, Robert Henry Matthews (Regimental number 2254) Occupation Labourer, 109 (or 104) George Street, East Fremantle, Married, Age at embarkation 27. Next of kin Wife: Lilly Matthews

1911 Dear Auntie Nell, I was very unfortunate in not being able to procure a copy of the paper the Saturday my essay appeared, and would feel very much obliged if you could forward me a copy along with the prize I am very pleased to have won. The paper, I think, was either the 17th of 9th of December. I spent Christmas very happily, and enjoyed myself immensely. On Boxing Day, my mother, my two brothers (Dave and Jim) and myself went to the popular resort of Fremantle known as the South Beach. My brother Dave says he would like to write to you and become one of your many nephews, so you may expect a letter from him shortly. From this forward I will watch "The Daily News" for more essays. Wishing you the season's greetings, - I remain, your loving nephew, Jack O’Brien, 109 George-street, East Fremantle. (reference)

1918 War Casualty. Mrs. M. Treloar of 109 George-street, East Fremantle, received word that her son, Cecil Treloar, has been wounded (second occasion). (reference)

1930 Lottery winner. Ray O'Brien, 109 George-street, East Fremantle, 22,405. (reference)

1935 Fined For Assault. This is a pretty bad case, commented Mr. H. J. Craig, S.M., in the Fremantle Police Court yesterday, when he convicted Albert Arnold Dungey on two charges or unlawful assault and one charge of using abusive and insulting language. Accused was charged with having unlawfully assaulted his wife at East Fremantle on March 2, and Peter O'Brien, his father-in-law, on; March 10, and with having used abusive and insulting language towards Annie O'Brien, his mother-in-law, on March 2. Gwendoline Dungey said that she was separated from her husband, who usually came to her home, on Sundays to see the children and take them out. On several such occasions he abused her and hit her when she told him that he could not see the children at that moment. He had not paid her any maintenance since January 6. In answer to a question by the magistrate, witness said that she did not want the defendant to see the children. It was not fair that he should, as he paid nothing to keep them and created a disturbance whenever he came to the place. Annie O'Brien and Peter O'Brien gave similar evidence. (reference)

1937 Death. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Birt of 109 George-street, East Fremantle, died aged 7 days. (reference)


1909 - 1914: Burton, James

1915: Neave, Albert E.

1916 - 1917: Smith, Albert

1918: Matthews, Robert

1919: Matthews, Mrs. Lily

1920 - 1921: Matthews, Robert

1922: Vacant

1923: Lockwood, Mrs. E. Jane

1924: Fewster, John Buse

1925 - 1927: Hammond, James

1928 - 1929: Renner, Melville & Trezona, Thomas H.

1930: Trezona, Thomas H.

1931 - 1932: O'Brien, Peter

1933 - 1936: Vacant

1936 - 1937: Healy, T.

1937 - 1938: Birt, Robert

1938 - 1940: Brown, Harold P

1940 - 1944: Vacant

1945 - 1949: Heath, David

5-9-06 View S 109 & 111 George Street.jpg