104 Hubble Street

104 Hubble Street (map)


Federation / Mid 20th Century Adapt., Bungalow

No. 104 (previously was no. 184) Hubble street is a single storey cottage constructed in rendered masonry construction with a hipped corrugated iron roof. The place has been extensively adapted in the Post-World War II style. It is asymmetrically planned with a full width and return hip roofed verandah. The verandah is supported on timber posts. The front facade features two windows. A driveway runs along the south of the lot.


1913 Motor Fatality On Karrakatta Road. A shocking motor car fatality, resulting in the death of a motor driver named Donald C. Gillies, occurred shortly after 2 o'clock this morning, between the Subiaco and West Subiaco railway stations. The car driven by Gillies left Perth...accompanied by another man, named Thomas Harper… Gillies and Harper were pinned underneath the car. The two other men managed to extricate Harper after he had been under the car some time, and he was found to be practically uninjured. (reference)

1928 Sly Grog Seized. Thomas Henry Harper, a fruiterer of East Fremantle, said that on market days (every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) he went to Lee Wood's place to cart bananas and apples from there to some other Chinese at North Fremantle. He also bought Chinese meats there occasionally. These were also for the Chinese at Fremantle, as he explained that he would not personally eat them. On the morning of March 9 he went into the shop. As there was no one there he went into the dining-room behind the shop. There were several Chinese there, and also a white man, who was standing and holding a ladder which went through a hole in the roof. Just then Lee Wood came into the room and said, 'You want sausages?' Witness said 'Yes,' and went into the front of the shop, where he bought a pound of Chinese sausages, for which he paid 2s 3d. He had never seen liquor bought or consumed on the premises. (reference)

1930 Trespassing Horses. Thomas Harper was fined £1 for having allowed his two horses to trespass on the Fallen Sailors and Soldiers' Memorial reserve. (reference)

1933 Traffic Offence: The following penalties, were imposed for breaches of the Traffic Regulations: No carrier's licence: Thomas Henry Harper, 5/. (reference)

1942 Ambulance crash...Then a car driven by Thomas Harper, of Hubble street, East Fremantle, which was following them, crashed into the ambulance and was also severely damaged. Harper received minor injuries, but John Mulcahy, of Oakover street, Fremantle, who was a passenger with him, sustained concussion and lacerations and was removed to the Fremantle Hospital by the St. John ambulance. (reference)

1954 Death on Aug. 26, at Fremantle, Thomas Henry Harper, dearly loved husband of Euphemia (Effie) Harper, of 104 Hubble-street, East Fremantle. (reference)


1908 - 1909: Hill, Patrick E.

1910 - 1913: Harper, Thomas

1914: Empey, Mrs. J.

1915 - 1918: Harper, Thomas

1919: Dewhurst, John

1920 - 1923: Fox, Thomas

1923 - 1949: Harper, Thomas

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