“Kyneton”, No. 46 King Street is a set of four terrace houses constructed in limestone and brickwork with rendered Italianate features- elaborate frontages to simple working class houses.. Four single-storey terraced houses of brick construction with rendered frontages and low pitched, skillion, corrugated iron roofs have recessed frontages enclosed by a timber picket fence. The roof line is concealed by a highly ornate parapet that includes the names of the four terraces - Hepburn, Glenlyon, Kyneton & Daylesford.
Each house is asymmetrically planned with an offset door flanked by a window. The entry doors have a hopper light and side lights. The window is a single pane double hung sash with sidelights. All openings have brick quoins. The houses are articulated with dividing party walls and tall pediments.
The place is consistent with the pattern of development in Plympton and plays an important role in the pattern of development of a working class suburb.
1910 The Friends of Mr. John Albert Stack, painter, of 90 King-street, East Fremantle, are respectfully invited to follow the remains of his late beloved daughter, Edna Pearl, to the place of interment, the Church of Christ portion of the Fremantle Cemetery. (reference)
1915 Auction F. J. McLaren. Furniture and effects, 90 King-street, East Fremantle. (reference)
1937 In loving memory of our dear Pal (Billie), who passed away May 17, 1935. We think of all his dear, kind ways, and live again those yesterdays. Inserted by Roy and Laura Black, 90 King-street, East Fremantle. (reference)
1944 Death at Fremantle, Catherine Frances (Kate) Roper, of 46 King-street, East Fremantle, widow of the late Walter Roper, Mum of Nellie (Mrs Jacobson) and Gran of Doris and Nell great-gran of Terry and Donald: aged 83 years. R.I.P. (reference)
1954 Death on July 11, at Fremantle Hospital, Mary Ellen, dearly beloved wife of Arthur Lucas, of 46 King-street, East Fremantle; aged 69 years. (reference)
1912: William Gallin
1913: Harry J. Vincent
1914: Thomas E. Shannon
1915: Walter H. Searey
1916 - 1920: James Peterson
1921: Robert Young
1922: Alexander Bishop
1923 - 1925: Bert Wakeham
1927: Nutman
1928: William Dooing
1929 - 1932: William H. Grosser
1933 - 1938: Thomas Black
1939 - 1941: W. M. Paton
1942 - 1943: Bernard Brown
1944: Mrs. Mary E. Jacobsen; Mrs Kate Roper
1954: Arthur Lucas
2024 -Sheldon Alessi