Maisie Campbell
Maisie Ellen Abbott Campbell came from a family of dentists and it was only proper that she graduated as one too- which she did on the 3 March 1930- aged 22, becoming only the third WA woman to become a dentist.
In 1907 her father Alexander ‘Bruce’ Campbell (1888-1968) married Ruby May Ward (born Coburg 1888-1947) in Victoria. They must have immediately immigrated to the West Australian Goldfields because Maisie was born there in 1908. Her brother Reginald Bruce was born in Coolgardie in 1911. In 1917 the family was living at Abesea, Forrest St Cottesloe and she started schooling at PLC in 1917-1918, attended St Joseph’s Convent, Fremantle for three years, and then to MLC from 1922-1924.
Her father A Bruce Campbell (1888-1968) graduated as a dentist in 1921. The family most likely moved to live in the Perth area so that the two children could attend good schools. Maisie attended Methodist Ladies College ( reference) Her father was working in Fremantle from 1928 (reference) and the family lived at 244 Canning Highway around 1930.
March 1928 "Alphabetical" Campbell, the well known Fremantle dentist, was an interested observer at the road making operations at North Fremantle the other day. (reference)
1930 Miss Maisie Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Campbell, Canning-road, East Fremantle, was the recipient of an untold number of congratulations last Friday when it was officially announced that she had gained the distinction of becoming Western Australia’s third woman dentist. Miss Campbell, Dip., D.S., was a student at the Perth Dental Hospital, and her work there was of such a nature that she gained unstinted praise from the leaders of the profession. It is understood that after Miss Campbell enjoys a quiet rest in the country that she will practise in East Fremantle. (reference)
Dec 1930 Speaking of professional women, Miss Maisie Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruce Campbell, is now practising as a dentist and has the distinction of being the only woman doing so in the metropolitan area. She recently completed her period as house surgeon at the Perth Dental Hospital. (reference)
From 1930-1934 Maisie Abbott Campbell kept the premises at 250 Canning Highway - where she practiced as a Surgeon Dentist.
1930 Miss Maisie Abbott Campbell (Dip. D.S.) Surgeon Dentist, Has commenced practice at 250 Canning-Road (or corner of Clayton-street and Canning-road) East Fremantle. (reference)
1931 DENTAL STUDENTS- Enjoyable Annual Ball. The Dental Ball at Temple Court last evening was a delightful affair, and the dances went with much spontaneous gaiety. About half-way through the evening dance music was stopped, the lights were lowered, and the orchestra played seductive Egyptian airs while a scantily clad team of Coptic ballet "girls" advanced to the middle of the floor with sinuous and alluring movements...(reference)
1931 It was resolved to send letters of congratulation to the four young women who have gained the degree of L.L.B. in the University of Western Australia. Mention was made that a woman dentist, Miss Maisie Campbell, had commenced private practice, and extended an invitation to any ladies to inspect her rooms. (Reference)
1932 Death on September 23, at Moreland, Victoria, James Ward, beloved father of Mrs. Bruce Campbell, grandfather of Maisie and Reginald, of 250 Canning-road, East Fremantle. (reference)
1933 PERTH GIRL HONOURED Miss Maisie Campbell, Dip. D.S., who went to England some months ago to do research in dental surgery, has been made a member of the Royal Dental Association of Great Britain. According to a letter recently received by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Campbell, of Fremantle, this is a distinction that English women have more difficulty in attaining than Australians, because women dental students are not received at any of the big London hospitals. Before going to England, Miss Campbell was a house surgeon at the Perth Dental Hospital, being the first woman to be appointed to such a position. She is at present travelling in the South of England, and intends spending Christmas in Austria with a party arranged by the National Union of Students. She hopes to participate in winter sports in Europe. (reference)
1934 FEW WOMEN DENTISTS- Europe Prejudiced- That there was a definite movement to try to force women back to the kitchen, was the opinion of affairs in Europe and England according to Miss Maisie Campbell, a dentist. who returned to Perth in the liner Strathaird yesterday, after having spent ten months in England. There were very few women dentists in England, and the work I had intended to do I couldn’t because women dentists were very few and far between in the hospitals,' she said. 'I was made an honorary member of the British Dental Association, and was able to do some research work but have come back convinced that taking into consideration the crammed conditions under which work is done here, there is very little lacking in achievement in the Perth Dental Hospital. Miss Campbell will resume practice shortly. (reference)
1933 Women Dentists: A Perth woman dentist Miss Maisie Campbell, Dip. D.S., returned to Western Australia on the Strathaird on Tuesday, after having spent the past ten months in England. ''I meant to study at the London Dental Hospital,' she said, in an interview, 'but, on arrival, found that they did not take women students there. 'However, I did a bit of research at dental laboratories in London, and on being made an honorary member of the British Dental Association, was given the freedom of its rooms, and attended any lectures that were held. I also visited numerous dental hospitals. Considering the cramped conditions under which the Perth Dental Hospital works, I think it holds its own with anything I saw in London, and I would like to pay a tribute to its superintendent (Mr. A. Graham Poock).'There are very few women dentists in England,' Miss Campbell continued. 'Out of all the hospitals I visited, there was not one that accepted women Students, and two who used to cater for them recently withdrew the privilege. There are a few practising who have qualified either in Scotland or on the Continent, but, on the whole, they are very rare. There is a definite prejudice against women taking up any profession like that, and, as far as I could see, they are trying to follow the German idea, of pushing women back to the kitchen by blocking them in every way they can and also by underpaying them.' (reference)
From 1934-1936 Maisie practiced in Bruce Rock.
May 1934 Miss Maisie Abbot Campbell, Surgeon Dentist, Dip. D.S., W. A., will shortly commence practice in Bruce Rock in rooms adjoining Goldsbrough, Mort and Co's. Miss Campbell may be consulted at the State Hotel... (reference)
Her brother Reginald graduated in 1935 and the whole family seemed to have moved to live in Kalgoorlie.
Dec 1936 Miss Maisie Campbell, surgeon dentist, will be in Perth shortly for a few days, before leaving for Auckland on a holiday visit. For the last two years, Miss Campbell has practised at Bruce Rock. Mrs. Bruce Campbell, of Kalgoorlie, will accompany her daughter on the trip to New Zealand. (reference)
In 1937 Mr. Bruce Campbell, well-known Boulder business man, is now on the municipal roll as a ratepayer of Boulder. (reference) In 1939 Maisie was living with her parents at 76 Graeme St Lamington, and practicing from there (reference)
1938 MISS MAISIE CAMPBELL, will play 'Josephine' in 'Moonlight is Silver,' the successful stage play, to be produced by the Repertory Club in the Kalgoorlie Town Hall (See photo reference)
1938 Stocks, sweet peas, and leptucines in mass adorned the rooms at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Campbell, in Ward street, Kalgoorlie, on Cup night after the races, when Miss Maisie Campbell was hostess to an enjoyable cocktail party. (reference)
Feb 1940 Miss Maisie Campbell, Surgeon-Dentist, is transferring her practice from corner of Ward and Graeme streets, Lamington, to Room 2. City Buildings, Hannan Street, and may be consulted there as from Today. Hours: 9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. (reference)
In Dec 1940 her father was working from the Commercial Chambers in Kalgoorlie. (reference)
In 1942 Maisie married Colin Wallace Woodward (1919-1972) a man ten year younger than her.
26.11.1942 Married Miss Maisie Campbell, D.I.P., D.S., only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Campbell, of Lamington, was married last Saturday to Captain Colin Woodward, of Northam military camp, only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Woodward, of Sydney (reference)
1943 Having served with the A.A.M.S., as it is now called, for over 12 months, Mrs. C. E. Woodward, whom you know well as Miss Maisie Campbell, our only woman dentist, has relinquished her duties with the military, at the behest of the Manpower Board. At present, Mrs. Woodward, whose husband is Captain Woodward, of the Australian army staff, is relieving her brother at Norseman, before returning to her home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Campbell, of Ward street, Kalgoorlie. (reference)
March 1944 Blue booties for Maisie and Colin Woodward's offspring. Maisie, who was Bruce Campbell's daughter- well known in the dental world -produced her son and heir last week. (reference) Maisie named her son Bruce Campbell Woodward (reference)
Feb 1947 Reginald B. CAMPBELL Dip. D.S., Dentist. During Mr. Campell's absence in hospital Miss Maisie Campbell will be in attendance at his Surgery in Norseman as from Monday, February 17, 1947...MAISIE CAMPBELL, Dentist, City Buildings, Kalgoorlie. During Miss Campbell's absence in Norseman will patients please contact Mr. Bruce Campbell, of Boulder, for any urgent treatment. (reference)
May 1947 Mrs. C H. Woodward (Miss Maisie Campbell) is spending a few days in Perth at present, attending the dental convention. (reference)
Dec 1947 Maisies mother Ruby May died. (reference)
Funeral Goldfields Repertory Club- Members of the above are respectfully requested to attend the funeral of Mrs. Ruby May Campbell, late mother of Maisie (Mrs Woodward)...Kalgoorlie Bowling Club- Members of the above are respectfully requested to attend the funeral of Mrs. Ruby May Campbell, late wife of our member Bruce Campbell... Goldfields National Football League- Members of the above are respectfully requested to attend the funeral of Mrs.Ruby May Campbell, late wife of our past president and life member, Bruce Campbell (reference)
By 1949 Maisie and Colin must have seperated because from then he was recorded as living in Sydney NSW with his father. In 1961 he remarried to a woman called Gretel Tindale. Colin died in Cronulla NSW on 4 Jan 1972, aged 52 .
Her father A Bruce Campbell moved to Esperance in 1948 -and then moved to Boyup Brook in 1949. Bruce married again in 1951 (reference) but sadly she died very suddenly in 1952.
1952 Sudden death of Matron Eileen Helen Campbell, of the Upper Blackwood Soldiers' Memorial Hospital, cast a shadow of gloom over the whole district; late Matron Campbell was the wife of Boyup Brook dentist Mr Bruce Campbell… floral tribute at funeral from ‘Mais and Brucie’... (reference) In 1968 Alexander Bruce Campbell died at Blackwood, aged 80
In 1954 Maisie married Jack Ellis (b 1900- 1981). They lived in Cottesloe from 1958-1977 and then retired to unit 1/12 Bridges Road in Melville.
From 1971 In 1975 Maisie was still practicing as a dentist and registered at 25 Brighton Street, Cottesloe (North) 11/3/30 (reference)
1961 Maisies brother Reginald died in Norseman. He was survived by two sons Ross and Ray.
Jack Ellis died 28.4. 1981, aged 81, and was memorialised in Fremantle Cemetery.
Maisie Ellen Abbott Ellis died aged 86 on 3 July 1995 in Melville, and is memorialised in Fremantle Cemetery.
Maisie Campbell 1934 The Daily News 28 Mar 1934 Page 8 FEW WOMEN DENTISTS