22 Fortescue St-'Laanecooriu'
According to postal directories the Bousfield family lived at this house (now demolished) from 1924 until Mrs Minnie Bousfield’'s death in 1964. Mr Thomas Percival Bousfield worked as a Tailor with a shop in Fremantle for over over 35 years. His son Frank Bousfield was born in 1909.
1912 TAILORS Wanted first class Coat Hand, Purser and Bousfield, late J. S. Wilkinson, Fremantle. (reference)
1919 SOUTH PERTH Church anniversary.... Thursday September 30 at 8 p.m. public meeting and social. Mr. T. P. Bousfield, President Baptist Union to preside.
1923 BANKRUPTCY ACT- In the Matter of JOSEPH MARSHALL PURSER and THOMAS PERCIVAL BOUSFIELD, trading as Montgomery's Successors and Purser and Bousfield, of 195 High st and 100 High st, Fremantle respectively. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the creditors... (reference)
1924 Death- On September 1 (suddenly), at his son's' residence, Fortescue street, East Fremantle, John Monkhouse BOUSFIELD, relict of the late Mary Bousfield, and father of Alfred, Percival, Cuthbert, Frederick, William, Gordon, and Leopold, aged 75 years (reference) Obituary- Mr. John Monkhouse Bousfield… was born in Durham, England, and had resided in Victoria for 60 years, and in this State for the last eight years, he was an engineer by trade, and during the Great War, although 67 years of age, he was anxious to serve his country, therefore he went to England as a munition worker. In spite of his age, he accomplished his task, which proves that he was a most exceptional man. His was certainly a patriotic family, as no less than four of his sons were engaged on active service or war work. Mr. Bousfield was a regular attendant of the Baptist Church. The chief mourners were Messrs. T. P. and C. Bousfield (sons) and Frank Bousfield (grandson). (reference)
1925 Lacrosse- Fremantle "B" last Saturday beat Perth "B" by 4 goals to 3, after a hard tussle... “Bousfield has improved wonderfully. Keep it up, Frank, old boy” (reference)
1925 Girl Guides- First South Fremantle Company. This company celebrated the first anniversary of the formation of their company on Wednesday, April 22. A large gathering of parents and friends of Guides met together and a very happy time was spent. Sister Guides from Claremont, Swanbourne, North and East Fremantle were also present… A programme of games in charge of Rev. A. Schroeder was enjoyed, as well as musical and elocutionary items; solos were rendered by: Minnie Bousfield (East Fremantle) (reference)
1928 Frank Bousfield was fined £4 for 'having driven a motor car negligently. Sergt. Donaldson said that while driving along Canning-road defendant spoke to a person on the footpath, with the result that his attention was diverted from his driving. A collision occurred between the car and a horse and cart, the driver of the latter being thrown out. (reference)
1931 Engagement- Jean, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Forsyth, of Price-street, Fremantle, to Frank, only son of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Bousfield, of Fortescue-street. East Fremantle. (reference)
1932 THOMAS PERCIVAL BOUSFIELD carrying on business at 51 Market-street, Fremantle in the State of Western Australia as Tailors, Mercers and Men's Outfitters under the firm-name of 'PURSER and BOUSFIELD' has been dissolved by mutual consent as from the First Day of March 1932. Mr. Purser will in future carry on and conduct in his own name and on his own account the tailoring portion of the late business and Mr. Bousfield will in future carry on and conduct in his own name and on his own account the Mercery and Men's Outfitting portions thereof. Both of the above branches of the business will be conducted at the late firm's premises,'51' Market-street, Fremantle. The liabilities of the late firm will be paid and discharged by Mr. Bousfield.(reference)
1933 Frank Bousfield married Doris Forsyth in 1933 in Fremantle. (reference). They lived at 60 Irwin-street, East Fremantle.
1937 Dainty Wedding Ensemble- The bridesmaids preceded the bride up the aisle, at the wedding of Miss Connie Angus, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Angus, of Dalgety-street, East Fremantle, to Mr. Harry A. Mullings, only son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mullings, of East Fremantle, which took place in the Baptist Church, East Fremantle, on Tuesday evening. Misses Elsie Bousfield and Joyce Angus (the bride's sister) were the bridesmaids.(reference)
1939 On November 27 at Woodside Hospital East Fremantle to Mr. and Mrs.Frank Bousfield -a daughter. (reference)
1940 Marriage -On May 6 at Baptist Church, East Fremantle, Robert Ernest Deveson, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Deveson of East Fremantle to Elsie, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Bousfield, East Fremantle.(reference)
1941 Birth DEVESON (nee Elsie Bousfield). On May 4, at Woodside Hospital to the wife of R. E. Deveson, Hobbs-avenue, South Perth- a daughter.(reference)
1941 AIR RAID PROTECTION. Still More Wardens Wanted. Head wardens of the metropolitan districts of the air raid precautions organisation urgently need the assistance of citizens to complete their first-aid, light rescue and sector units… The following instructors qualified recently in the Fremantle district: F. Bousfield…(reference)
1943 Birth On August 29 at Sister Bathgate's Hospital to Mr and Mrs B. Deveson, of Hobbs-avenue. South Perth- a daughter. Both well. (reference)
1944 YOUTH IN COURT. Breaking and Entering Charges. A 16-year-old youth pleaded guilty in the Fremantle Children's Court yesterday, to having attempted… to break and enter the shop of Thomas Percival Bousfield, in High street, Fremantle, with the aid of a screwdriver and hammer... (reference)
In 1947 Thomas Percival Bousfield died suddenly at his home in Fortescue street, East Fremantle, aged 69 years. He had been in business in Fremantle for about 40 years. He left a widow- Minnie, a son Frank and a daughter Elsie (Mrs. R. Deveson).
1947 FUNERAL-The Friends of the late Mr. Thomas Percival Bousfield, men's and boys' outfitter, of 97 High Street, Fremantle, and of 'Laanecooriu', 22 Fortescue Street, East Fremantle, are respectfully informed that his remains will be interred in the Baptist portion of the Fremantle Cemetery… (reference)
1954 Birth To Elsie and Bob DEVESON, of Fortune-st East Fremantle -a son. Both well. (reference)
From: Maxwell Bousfield <mfbousfield@gmail.com> Date: 28 October 2019
“After the death of Thomas Percival Bousfield in 1947 Elsie Deveson (daughter) and her family came to live in 22 Fortescue Street. A terrible accident happened in the house in 1957. Elsie and her mother Minnie were out under a pagoda when some timber fell off and hit Minnie on the head. Elsie panicked and somehow ended up in the bath. She had some kind of turn and Minnie didn't have enough strength to lift her out and apparently she drowned.
After that the husband and children moved leaving Minnie living by herself in such a large house. She lived there alone until she went into a hospital, she died in the hospital in 1964 age 85.
In the good old days before all this happened we went there for Sunday dinner every Sunday. I remember having to play the piano for my grandfather (who was a music teacher). He had a side gate on his house and we passed that way on route to Richmond School, in those days we walked. I remember him waiting for us at the side gate - his favourite saying was " Have you got the cobwebs out of your hair this morning " He died when I was only 10 and I missed him and was sorry I didn't spend more time with him.’’
1924- 1964 Thomas Percival Bousfield and Minnie, children- Frank, Elsie
T P Bousfields Home 1947- 22 Fortescue St East Freo, courtesy Maxwell Bousfield